Minggu, 03 April 2011



Name                          : Arina Pramudita
Student Number         : 1006714720
Faculty and Class       : Faculty of Humanities MPKE-3

  1. Tittle of the Article        : Alien Species: Fiiting In

  1. Author(s)                      : Mark Derr

  1. Explain in 2 or 3 sentences why you have chosen this article
I choose this article because it has a good tittle. I can learn something new about the alien species in our environment. From this diversity, probably many kind of them are unfamiliar known by us. And this article made me curious

  1. Explain briefly in 4 or 5 sentences what the article is about
This article tells us about alien species that can never be acceptable in a natural ecosystem. This is an assumption some scientist. In quotation, Dr. Michael Rozenzweig said that distinction between exotic and native species are artificial, in fact only a small percentage of alien species cause problem in their new habitats.

  1. What is the writer’s message or purpose in writing this article?
The writer message’s want to tell us the reality about the alien species. Alien species should be retained, since the alien species makes ecosystems more exotic.

  1. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review
In my opinion, alien species can make the environment become exotics. Therefore, do not destroy alien species, because they are a rare biological diversity.

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