Minggu, 03 April 2011



Name                          : Arina Pramudita
Student Number         : 1006714720
Faculty and Class       : Faculty of Humanities MPKE-3

  1. Tittle of the Article        : Alien Species: Fiiting In

  1. Author(s)                      : Mark Derr

  1. Explain in 2 or 3 sentences why you have chosen this article
I choose this article because it has a good tittle. I can learn something new about the alien species in our environment. From this diversity, probably many kind of them are unfamiliar known by us. And this article made me curious

  1. Explain briefly in 4 or 5 sentences what the article is about
This article tells us about alien species that can never be acceptable in a natural ecosystem. This is an assumption some scientist. In quotation, Dr. Michael Rozenzweig said that distinction between exotic and native species are artificial, in fact only a small percentage of alien species cause problem in their new habitats.

  1. What is the writer’s message or purpose in writing this article?
The writer message’s want to tell us the reality about the alien species. Alien species should be retained, since the alien species makes ecosystems more exotic.

  1. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review
In my opinion, alien species can make the environment become exotics. Therefore, do not destroy alien species, because they are a rare biological diversity.



Name                          : Arina Pramudita
Student Number         : 1006714720
Faculty and Class       : Faculty of Humanities MPKE-3

  1. Tittle of the Article        : Achy Breaky Heart

  1. Author(s)                      : Krista Mahr

  1. Explain in 2 or 3 sentences why you have chosen this article
This article chozen because the title is interesting and makes me want to know about this article. Because, this article is to open up our thought, if the disease is not from outside but from our mental as well.

  1. Explain briefly in 4 or 5 sentences what the article is about
This article about stress as a factor in heart disease. However, not all doctors understand that the stress experienced by the patient can cause disease. In the article there is research that stress can be used effect the level of cardiac work. But, there are no special assessments between health and stress.

  1. What is the writer’s message or purpose in writing this article?
The purpose of this article is one factor that causes heart disease and that is very dangerous.

  1. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review
This article gives new information that can be trusted. Stress must be studied and reveal further because stress is difficult to know.


Name                          : Arina Pramudita
Student Number         : 1006714720
Faculty and Class       : Faculty of Humanities MPKE-3

  1. Tittle of the Article        : Emotional Intelligence 

  1. Author(s)                      : Patricia Holt

  1. Explain in 2 or 3 sentences why you have chosen this article
The title is interesting and makes me want to know about this article. The meaning inside of word emotional intelligence. Whereas, all of us have learned and have something called IQ, but emotional intelligence is something new for me.

  1. Explain briefly in 4 or 5 sentences what the article is about
Daniel Goleman is a writer and discoverer of Emotional Intelligence. Goleman take a marshmallow to experiment his invention. From a simple experiment that, he was able to give a different view. In many situations finally known that Emotional intelligence is different for each people probably.

  1. What is the writer’s message or purpose in writing this article?
The author explain about recent discoveries in brain research that prove emotional stability is more important than IQ in determining an individual’s success in life. People that have better in emotional intelligence will be easier to deal with various difficulties.

  1. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review
Human living is different for each people. Understanding about it not only IQ that we need but also emotional intelligence. Because the two things make balance our lives.


Name                          : Arina Pramudita
Student Number         : 1006714720
Faculty and Class       : Faculty of Humanities MPKE-3

1.            Tittle of the Article        : Learning The Hard Way

2.            Author(s)                      : Maggie Tiojakin

3.            Explain in 2 or 3 sentences why you have chosen this article
This article chosen because this contents of this article is interesting. The contents of article explain the condition of education in Indonesia. The article gives real example of the complex problem of education and employment in Indonesia. But, this problem that can not be resolved until now.

4.            Explain briefly in 4 or 5 sentences what the article is about
This article explains about the problems of education, which have no end. Quality education cannot be achieved and there is no way materially and ability. And it's also about jobs where job opportunities are very small and tight. As an example in the article, there are graduates of the Bachelor, but operates only as a bus driver. This means that education is the support component, but not something to be underestimated.

5.            What is the writer’s message or purpose in writing this article?
The purpose of this article is to explain the problem of education in Indonesia.

6.            Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review
Thus, education and skills are prerequisites that must be owned because education was regarded as a support of success will not succeed if there is no ability and hard work.

Agama dan Ruang Lingkup

Hubungan Manusia dengan Pencipta
”Dan Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan supaya mereka menyembahKu”
QS Az-Zariyat : 56

Hubungan manusia dengan Allah disebut sebagai pengabdian (ibadah). Pengabdian manusia  bukan untuk kepentingan Allah, pengabdian itu bertujuan untuk mengembalikan manusia kepada fitrahNya (kesucianNya) agar kehidupan manusia diridhoi Allah.

Hubungan Manusia dengan Manusia
Manusia adalah makhluk sosial dimana manusia yang satu dan lainnya saling membutuhkan. Seluruh konsep kemasyarakatan yang ada, bertumpu pada 1 nilai, yaitu saling tolong menolong.

”Dan tolong-menolonglah kamu dalam (mengerjakan) kebajikan dan takwa dan jangan tolong menolong dalam berbuat dosa dan permusuhan
QS Al-Maidah : 2

Hubungan Manusia dengan Lingkungan
Seluruh benda yang diciptakan oleh Allah yang ada di alam ini mengandung manfaat bagi manusia. Alam ini tidak terjadi begitu saja, akan tetapi diciptakan Allah dengan sengaja dan hak.

”Dia telah menciptakan kamu dari bumi (tanah) dan menjadikan kamu pemakmurnya”
QS Hud : 61

Manusia diberikan akal (sebagai salah satu kelebihannya), manusia juga sebagai khalifah dibumi, namun demikian manusia tetap terikan dan tunduk pada hukum Allah. Maka Allah memberi wewenang untuk mengelola serta memanfaatkan alam ini.


Name                          : Arina Pramudita
Student Number         : 1006714720
Faculty and Class       : Faculty of Humanities MPKE-3

Popcorn’s Dark Secret

In her article entitled "Popcorn's Dark Secret." Karen Barrow inform us about the secret behind the popcorn. Author goes on to say that the review of popcorn nutrition. For example in Regal Cinemas, a large tub contains 1200 calories , 980 milligrams of sodium and 60 grams of saturated fat, and for medium-size contains 670 calories, 550 milligrams of sodium and 24 grams of saturated fat. In according to Marion Nestle, it all depends on the quantity, so the big tub 3/4 calories per day. Many people think that popcorn is healthy, but it don’t. The solution, when buy popcorn, buy popcorn without salt, share a tub of popcorn with 10 friends, or watch the movie without eating.

Article By Karen Barrow

Popcorn’s Dark Secret

Sitting in a dark movie theater with your friends and a tub of buttery popcorn sounds like a perfect way to spend a Saturday night – and it could be, if you are willing to share your popcorn with the entire row of moviegoers around you.
A review of the nutritional contents of movie-theater popcorn reveals an alarming amount of fat, salt and calories in even the smallest sizes. The study, from the Center for Science in the Public Interest, looked at popcorn from three movie theater chains and detailed the contents of all portions offered.
A large tub of popcorn at Regal Cinemas, for example, holds 20 cups of popcorn and has 1,200 calories, 980 milligrams of sodium and 60 grams of saturated fat. Adding just a tablespoon of butter adds 130 calories. And do not forget that it comes with free refills.
Not so hungry? The medium size popcorn, which comes in a bag, contains the same amount as the large. And even the small, at 11 cups, delivers 670 calories, 550 milligrams of sodium and 24 grams of saturated fat.
The findings may surprise those who choose popcorn at the concession stand because they believe it is a relatively healthy snack. In fact, plain air-popped popcorn is low in calories and free of saturated fat. Movie theater popcorn, however, is popped in oil — often coconut oil, which is 90 percent saturated fat. Add salt to the enormous portions, and your once-healthy snack turns into a health offender.
The issue here is quantity,” said Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition at New York University. “One of those large tubs is three-fourths of a day’s calories.” Even the “healthiest” sample of popcorn tested, a small size from AMC containing 6 cups of popcorn, had 370 calories, enough to justify sharing with a friend and eating one kernel at a time to make it last the length of a movie.“If you were eating just a cup or two, it wouldn’t matter nearly as much,” Dr. Nestle said.
The third movie theater chain tested, Cinemark, fares slightly better than its competitors because it pops its popcorn in non-hydrogenated canola oil instead of coconut oil. Cinemark’s large tub contains 17 cups of popcorn with 910 calories and 4 grams of saturated fat, as well as a whopping 1,500 milligrams of sodium — nearly enough for the entire day.
One way to make your popcorn healthier? Ask the theater to pop a portion without salt. Two of the movie theaters that had their popcorn tested said they would oblige such a request.
The best way to make your movie snack healthier, however, would be to skip the popcorn — and the concession stand — altogether. “You could share a tub of popcorn with 10 friends,” Dr. Nestle said. “Or, what a concept, watch the movie without eating anything.”

Source : nytimes.com